Microsoft have anounced that the Windows 10 Creators Update will start rolling out to all and sundry on 11th April 2017.

This edition of Windows 10 has already reached RTM, with Windows Insiders getting the RTM build last week. In a change from previous releases, Microsoft didn't tell insiders that they were testing an RTM candidate build, they've just kinda admitted it by letting world and dog now know that build 15063 is indeed RTM.

Microsoft's full release notes are online, but they've got and muddied the water by including info on Surface Book and Surface Studio (both nice bits of kit, if MS want to lend me a couple) but they have mentioned a few of the highlights in Creators Edition. Oddly though, (and in their words it will be "because there are so many awesome updates") they've missed out, or glossed over some of the changes which will matter most in the real world.

Without further ado, the changes I think we need care about are:

  • VASTLY improved scaled application redering - this is especially important for those pesky apps like Adobe Photoshop, which until now have been fairly un-useable on a high res laptop display
  • Improved OOBE experience, particularly centred around metered or walled-garden style wireless connections. It might not sound like much, but I bet a whole raft of people benefit from this without even realising
  • Loads of Windows Ink improvements; again they sound small, but when you use Ink a lot (or even a little) they make a huge difference
  • Gaming Mode - this is massive for Microsoft; it's a whole bunch of updates and technologies to tie Windows 10 and X-box even more tightly together. You can now "cast" or broadcast / video share a game as you're playing it, and you can interact with people watching your cast in real time. MS are really wooing game developers with this release, and these features show that off in spaded
  • Edge: Yep, as far as Microsoft are concerned, Edge is *the* browser that we should all be using. In the release notes (linked above) they make repeated and multi-asterixed claims about how Edge is now better than Chrome* (they don't pick a fight with Firefox... interesting...) and how it reneders more quickly, detects more phishing sites and upholds your battery better. I have to say that other than a few glaring omissions, I can actually now use Edge as my main browser, and I only swear at it occassionaly!

... there are loads and loads of other little things, like being able to have folders in the start menu. No, not the Applications list, like we've been able to do since Windows 95, this time we're talking about the tiled bit. Personally I don't know why you'd ever want to do this, especially not on a desktop, but I guess it makes sense in Tablet and Phone modes.

Here's a fuller list of changes I stole from another site (thanks ElReg)

  • Action center shows download progress for apps
  • Auto Numlock when typing a PIN
  • Beam Streaming: new FTL streaming protocol, start broadcasts from Game Bar
  • Braille support (in Ease of Access settings)
  • Compact Overlay mode ("Picture in Picture") for UWP applications
  • Cortana "pick up where you left off" feature
  • Custom color accents in color settings
  • Download Windows 10 themes from Store
  • Dynamic lock: lock PC automatically when paired phone is not connected
  • Edge browser: many new features
  • Epub support in Edge and Book section in Windows Store
  • Game Bar (Windows + G) – quickly record, broadcast or snaphot images from current game
  • Game Mode – optimize PC for gaming
  • Gaming section in Windows settings
  • Improved Hyper-V admin client with zoom and auto-resize options
  • Mono audio (in Ease of Access settings)
  • More touchpad gestures, eg create or remove virtual desktops
  • Narrator improved with form field navigation (Ease of Access)
  • New icons for Windows Update and Share
  • New inking features including left-handed option
  • Night Light option in Display settings
  • Option to install apps from Store only
  • Paint 3D application
  • Photos app: many new features
  • PowerShell more prominent eg in Windows-X menu
  • Protractor tool in Sketchpad app
  • Redesigned camera app
  • RegEdit has new Address Bar, for easier navigation
  • Separate process for each Windows Service on PCs with enough RAM
  • Start menu: show or hide app list
  • Storage Sense setting automatically frees space
  • Toast notifications support progress bars
  • Troubleshooting option in Modern settings
  • USB Audio 2.0 native support
  • Virtual touchpad for external displays
  • Windows Defender new notification icon and security center
  • Windows Services for Linux improved, Ubuntu Xenial by default
  • Windows update no longer reinstalls removed applications

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Thought for the day...

A bird in the hand - might just file for assault, be careful out there boys!

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